COSMOS Education Toolkit
‘COSMOS Education Toolkit’ provides a curriculum that blends the three disciplines of mathematics, science, and computer science, into a seamless package that helps prepare students to be competitive in an evolving, international workforce. We currently support 125 experiements.
Math Labs
Science Labs
CS Labs

This work was supported in part by REM supplement to NSF award EFMA-1641100 (NewLAW EFRI), RET supplements to NSF awards ECCS-1547406, CNS-1650685, CNS-1650669, CNS- 1702952, CNS-1527750, ECCS-1547332, CNS-1513110, CNS-1730043, CNS-1329939, OAC-1541069, the Columbia Data Science Institute, AT&T foundation, and NSF awards CNS-1827923 (PAWR COSMOS) and OAC-2029295, and NSF-BSF award CNS-1910757. COSMOS is part of National Science Foundation’s PAWR program.