The official start of the COSMOS projects

Deployment Plan
The COSMOS testbed will cover one square mile in West Harlem, with City College to the north, Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus to the south, the Hudson River to the west, and Apollo Theater to the east. This vibrant, densely populated neighborhood is an ideal environment for pushing the limits of cutting edge technologies for fifth-generation (5G) and beyond wireless networks. The deployment area has been designated as an FCC Innovation Zone (see announcement). The envisioned deployment (composed of 3 stages outlined in the figure below) will include the following:
- 9 Large Sites
- 40 Medium sites
- Fiber optic connection from most sites
- 200 Small nodes ~Including vehicular and hand-held
- Fiber connection to NYU Data Center, Rutgers, GENI/I2
- Interaction with smart community & innovation initiatives (Gigabit center, etc.)
Coverage measurements of some of the currently operational COSMOS sites may be found here.

[1] D. Raychaudhuri, I. Seskar, G. Zussman, T. Korakis, D. Kilper, T. Chen, J. Kolodziejski, M. Sherman, Z. Kostic, X. Gu, H. Krishnaswamy, S. Maheshwari, P. Skrimponis, and C. Gutterman, “Challenge: COSMOS: A city-scale programmable testbed for experimentation with advanced wireless,” in Proc. ACM MobiCom’20, 2020. [download] [presentation] [long video] [short video]
Rooftop deployment of one large and one medium node at WINLAB facility Pilot sandbox deployment release to internal users Deployment of one large node and two medium nodes at CU and release to internal experimenters One day experimenter workshop and tutorials for research community FCC establishes Innovation Zone for COSMOS deployment area COSMOS testbed General Availability announced Adding connections to international testbeds, including CPQD (Brazil), Kyutech/StarBED (Japan), OneLab/NITOS (EU/Greece), and CONNECT (Ireland) Two day workshop and tutorials for research community Expansion of the COSMOS FCC Innovation Zone to include the Columbia Morningside and Manhattanville campuses and much of West Harlem Deployment of first phase of testbed across CU and CCNY sites, along with COSMOS control center at Rutgers * originally planned for 03/01/2020; delayed due to COVID-19 and supply chain issues Development and deployment of Smart Streetscape applications on COSMOS testbed Internal release of partial Phase 1 deployment for scaled experiment preparation and debugging * originally planned for 05/15/2020; delayed due to COVID-19 and supply chain issues Phase 1 deployment release to early adopters for limited scale experimentation * originally planned for 08/14/2020; delayed due to COVID-19 and supply chain issues Phase 1 deployment release to general users * originally planned for 10/01/2020; delayed due to COVID-19 and supply chain issues Deployment of second phase of testbed across CU, CCNY and NYC sites, along with COSMOS control center at Rutgers; Phase 2 subject to availability of funding * originally planned for 06/01/2021; delayed due to COVID-19 and supply chain issues Phase 2 subject to availability of funding * originally planned for 09/01/2021; delayed due to COVID-19 and supply chain issues Phase 2 subject to availability of funding * originally planned for 12/01/2021; delayed due to COVID-19 and supply chain issuesCOSMOS Timeline