COSMOS served as the platform where the first real-world implementation and execution of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) interactions (in a civilian or academic environment) between Software Defined Radios (SDRs) was accomplished autonomously via the exchange of Spectrum Consumption Models (SCMs). In brief, SCMs are a standardized data model that provide the means to capture all the relevant parameters and phenomena that relate to spectrum consumption/use by any kind of spectrum dependent system or device. They also provide a means to compute compatibility (i.e. non-interference) between any two models without dependence on external databases or system data. SCMs and their related computations have been standardized by the IEEE under the IEEE 1900.5.2 standard.
Prof. Carlos E. Caicedo Bastidas from Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY), collaborated with COSMOS researchers from Rutgers University and Columbia University in the setup and execution of experiments that demonstrated the use of SCMs in achieving cooperative dynamic spectrum access. A demonstration of this new capability now available in COSMOS, was presented in the recent Virtual Workshop on New Frontiers in Wireless Spectrum Technology and Policy, organized by the the IRIS (Interdisciplinary National Research Center for Innovations in Spectrum) proposal team. A YouTube video that summarizes and explains some of the experiments that were conducted by the research team is available below.
Additionally, Prof. Caicedo presented the results of the experiments to the IEEE 1900.5 Working Group of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access and Networks Standardization Committee (DySPAN-SC) early in March. The results were very well received as they validate the work on the 1900.5.2 standard elaborated by the working group and position COSMOS as a platform were future enhancements to SCMs will be tested and shown to industry. Prof. Caicedo has been a member of the IEEE 1900.5 WG since 2012.
Moving forward, the research team that participated in the experiments will continue their work on SCMs as a key component for the creation of information-centric spectrum management architectures and for the creation of advanced spectrum sharing algorithms.